
Object, sound
wood, plastic, vibrating speaker
The term Confinement in general means imprisonment or restraint. It is used in ecology and nuclear physics, to denote shelter or hermetic isolation. The second shelter structure above the destroyed Chernobyl NPP is named in the same way.
This object protects from a special type of radiation. The source of radiation is the information flow. This flow has the ability of super-penetration, it takes power over consciousness almost unhindered and to its own rules. Although radiation cannot be avoided, it can be reduced. The flow shackles the flight of thought, it distorts the vector of mindset, deprives the will, it inherently keeps a person imprisoned. Not the background, not the ether, not the field — radiation, which a person absorbs unnoticed by himself.
Confinement, literally being a sarcophagus, limits the power of radiation, makes it localized, gives the viewer a sense of power over super-penetration.
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